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Forest of evergreen trees in moutains


Our Community

Join the TierraMar Science Institute Community

TierraMar Science Institute was founded simply out of a love for land. We're on a mission to further important conservation efforts, but we're also passionate about helping people connect to these environments in meaningful ways. As a community, our desire to conserve our natural and working landscapes for future generations to enjoy and benefit from connects us and serves as the foundation for all our work. 

We invite you to join our TierraMar community in the important work we are doing for our open spaces and shared resources.

Conservation Informed Through Science

TierraMar Science Institute is building a community of scientists, landowners, land managers, researchers, stakeholders, and other like-minded supporters who share an interest in protecting important lands and in seeing those lands managed well. Our goal is to facilitate meaningful conservation projects, bring research to real life, and collaborate with state, federal, non-profit, and private partners to deliver exceptional conservation outcomes.

Science Advisory Committee

The TierraMar Science Advisory Committee is made up of community members dedicated to funding researchers in conservation, restoration, and land management. This group of passionate individuals comes together to promote access to funding for scientific research, opportunities for study locations, and more.


The diverse backgrounds of our Science Advisory Committee members lends conservation researchers valuable access to highly qualified mentors, collaborators, and networks—all in pursuit of our shared mission: Protecting the open spaces and lands we love.


Learn more about the TierraMar Science Advisory Committee.

Become Part of the TierraMar Community

Get involved at TierraMar Science Institute and make a difference toward a sustainable future! Our work is not possible without your support and involvement. From donations, networking opportunities, conservation easement options, land access, to simply spreading the word, there are many ways to get involved.

Join us in our conservation mission and become part of the TierraMar community.

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